Why Us?

Above pictures courtesy of "Mercy For Animals" Facebook page.

How can you separate me from my mother? How can you bring yourself to torture me and murder me? All this so that you can act selfish and enjoy my flesh for an hour. And then your forget me :(..WHY? Don't I deserve the sunlight as you do? Don't I deserve love, and care from my family, like you all do? Don't I deserve to play with my friends? Don't I deserve simple pleasures in this life, like you all do? I do get hurt and feel a lot of pain. I feel lost without my mother and family. I don't get to see beautiful sunshine, blue skies, and fresh water. Why would you make me suffer? Is my pain, suffering and death, worth your few minutes of pleasure? This beautiful planet also belongs to me and we do deserve some happiness. Please stop murdering and eating my friends and family. We want to live our full life, full of smiles and happiness. Please give us some peace! Please!

According to Mercy For Animals website, "Pigs are believed to be as intelligent as 3-year-old children and at least as intelligent as dogs, capable of learning hand signals corresponding to words, and understanding complex relationships".

Would you eat a 3 year old innocent child? If not, then why these poor, innocent animals?

Please have mercy for these innocent animals.

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