
Recently I was shopping in the Atlantic City Outlet stores, and as expected there was a Coach outlet store. As further expected, the store was packed with women. Everybody was looking to find something big but less expensive. The reason I entered the store was because I wanted to see if Coach carried any non-leather option. With no surprise, I can tell you that Coach does NOT carry non-leather purses! And everywhere I looked in the store, I saw leather purses after leather purses. It was either just a handle or the whole bag. I felt really sad! How many animals died for these purses and for these crazy women. Fortunately, I saw one buisness/laptop bag which was not leather. Even the handles were synthetic leather. Coach should make more of these synthetic leather, so people have choices.

There was this lady who was leaving the store, with the biggest shopping bag, from coach, I have ever seen. And the shopping bag was full of leather purses. One poor cow was easily killed for the pleasure of this lady, so she can brag or gift these Coach purses. Shame on us! Are we really that ignorant? Or do you think we are cruel? Do you think it is fair that we kill an animal so we can tug this leather bag everywhere? But if you had options, wouldn't you want this animal to live its full life.

On a personal note, I don't think Coach is a great brand, because it has lost its uniqueness by being available to everyone. There is no class left with this brand.

What do you think about options? Would you buy a non-leather purse if it is available to you in same design, color, size, etc.? Would you?

1 comment:

  1. Walking it to Coach felt like walking at a high end butcher shop.

    Check this blog out: http://stopanimalabuse.blogspot.com/

